Five truisms in job search assistance

  1. Most people's resumes and job applications are task based and form a drab background for productivity-based approaches that stand out and are selected for interviews
  2. Provided structure, it is possible to instruct anyone to adopt a detailed productivity-based approach that stands out from others
  3. Automation makes it possible to do so without the need for lengthy job search workshops or reams of worksheets
  4. People taught to market themselves and network more effectively get more interviews and interview better
  5. Markedly greater self-esteem accompanies a productivity perspective and is essential to building the confidence needed to interview effectively, be assigned more responsibilities and command a higher wage

Path To A Job Users Recognize The Innovative Differences In This Approach

Path To A Job is an engaging, self-directed automated suite of job search assistance tools requiring minimal staff time. Based on rigorous self-assessment in the context of the target occupation, Path To A Job users stand out not only in the quality of their resumes and job applications, but also in the effectiveness of the direct advocacy of their networkers. They land more interview opportunities then others and are far better prepared to stand out in interviews. Everything they need is in a highly personalized report that is literally their road map to their next job. Working off their individualized reports, staff cuts to the chase and focuses on shaping concrete next steps instead of investing far too much time collecting and discussing generalized background information. Every Path To A Job user leaves feeling like their time spent was well invested. Their detailed personalized report serves as tangible proof of the system effectively assisting them.

For Those Testing Path To A Job

The Path To A Job Suite is intended to support staff rendering job search assistance. In normal use, staff will log clients into the system and receive a copy of their personalized Path To A Job Report in their email when the person has logged out after completing the program. In some iterations, staff receive a text message as well to alert them that the client is ready to meet to discuss their job search.

Each of the four program options clearly spells out to users what staff should have already told them. This is not a career exploration tool or career counseling. It is a job search assistance tool that requires a target occupation that will be explored in its O*NET context. If you don't know what O*NET is, visit O*NET Online for a very comprehensive discussion that is easy to follow. The Department Of Labor's CareerOneStop site is an excellent starting point to assist clients to set a target occupation.

The four paths each lead to a different personalized Report. Some require less time in front of a computer entering relevant background information than others. One is designed for greater staff:client interaction. It obviously requires the least amount of time in front of the computer. It can be accomplished together. The online job search workshop is the most intensive experience that takes the most time and concentration from clients. The goal of the online job search workshop is to produce resume content options for a productivity focused resume. The same resume approach that professional resume writers use. This takes time, but it is far from boring for clients because they are exploring their own past in ways they have never considered.

For those who are seeking career that are quite competitive, we recommend this path even though it is far more taxing for clients.

In this demonstration we have decided to include a preview of our next step; ChatGPT used to help staff to interview their clients in the context of their target occupation in their first staff:client session.

At this point, we consider our ChatGPT to be staff tools intended to build client self worth and obtain client buy in to the concept of an organized jobs search.

We have several other ChatGPT approaches in mind to strengthen staff:client interactions by making them extremely point specific to effective self marketing. Staff are not in the room as a life line during interviews.

Clients need to fully understand their marketability before entering the room to tip the scale in their favor. Staff need new tools to make this possible.